Publications   1995 -present

L. Deecke

State: 6/2021

401.  Lang W, Deecke L, Hopf HC (Hrsg): Topographische Diagnostik des Gehirns. Verh Dt Ges Neurol 9, Springer Verlag Wien New York, pp XXX, 836 (1995)

402.  Lang V, Lang W, Starr A, Lindinger G, Deecke L: Modalitäts­spezifische Organisation des Kurzzeitgedächtnisses. In: Lang W, Deecke L, Hopf, HC (Hrsg) Topographische Diagno­stik des Gehirns. Verh Dt Ges Neurol 9, Springer Verlag Wien New York, pp 135-137 (1995)

403.  Beisteiner R, Gomiscek G, Erdler M, Teichtmeister C, Moser E, Deecke L: Funktionelles Magnet Resonanz Imaging (FMRI) - Ergebnisse und Kombinationsmöglichkeiten mit der Magneto- und Elektroenzephalographie. In: Lang W, Deecke L, Hopf, HC (Hrsg) Topographische Diagnostik des Gehirns. Verh Dt Ges Neurol 9, Springer Verlag Wien New York, pp 189-192 (1995)

404.  Uhl F, Lindinger G, Lang W, Deecke L: Welche Funktion hat die Sehrinde bei Menschen, die seit Geburt an peripherer Blindheit leiden? - Eine Zusammenfassung. In: Lang W, Deecke L, Hopf, HC (Hrsg) Topographische Diagnostik des Gehirns. Verh Dt Ges Neurol 9, Springer Verlag Wien New York, pp 267-268 (1995)

405.  Aull S, Baumgartner C, Wiest G, Podreka I, Lindinger G, Hitt­maier K, Olbrich A, Novak K, Deecke L: Duale Pathologie - arterio-venöse Malformationen und Hippocampusatrophie. In: Lang W, Deecke L, Hopf, HC (Hrsg) Topographische Dia­gnostik des Gehirns. Verh Dt Ges Neurol 9, Springer Ver­lag Wien New York, pp 290-293 (1995)

406.  Baumgartner C, Podreka I, Lindinger G, Lurger S, Aull S, Ser­les W, Olbrich A, Wiest G, Novak K, Deecke L: Negativ mo­torische Anfälle aus dem prämotorischen Kortex - eine EEG-SPECT Studie. In: Lang W, Deecke L, Hopf, HC (Hrsg) Topographische Diagnostik des Gehirns. Verh Dt Ges Neurol 9, Springer Verlag Wien New York, pp 294-298 (1995)

407.  Lindinger G, Baumgartner C, v. Pfaler J, Burgess R, Lüders H, Deecke L: Topographische Darstellung epileptischer Spikes mit Hilfe von sphärischen Splines und sphärischen Spline-Laplacian (CSD). In: Lang W, Deecke L, Hopf, HC (Hrsg) Topographische Diagnostik des Gehirns. Verh Dt Ges Neurol 9, Springer Verlag Wien New York, pp 329-333 (1995)

408.  Oder W, Prayer L, Grimm G, Deecke L: Morbus Wilson: Klinische und morphologische Befunde bei 47 Patienten. In: Lang W, Deecke L, Hopf HC (Hrsg) Topographische Diagnostik des Gehirns. Verh Dt Ges Neurol 9, Springer Verlag Wien New York, pp 430-433 (1995)

409.  Oder W, Brücke T, Spatt J, Ferenci P, Asenbaum S, Podreka I, Deecke L: Klinische und IBZM-SPECT Befunde bei Morbus Wilson. Erste Ergebnisse einer Korrelationsstudie. In: Lang W, Deecke L, Hopf, HC (Hrsg) Topographische Diagno­stik des Gehirns. Verh Dt Ges Neurol 9, Springer Verlag Wien New York, pp 434-437 (1995)

410.  Perju-Dumbrava L, Zeiler K, Deecke L: Cerebrovaskuläre Er­krankungen und Antikardiolipin Antikörper. In: Lang W, Deecke L, Hopf, HC (Hrsg) Topographische Diagnostik des Gehirns. Verh Dt Ges Neurol 9, Springer Verlag Wien New York, pp 693-697 (1995)

411.  Asenbaum S, Zeitlhofer J, Frey R, Podreka I, Deecke L: Verän­derungen der cerebralen Durchblutung während des REM-Schlafes bei Patienten mit Narkolepsie - eine 99mTc HMPAO SPECT Studie. In: Lang W, Deecke L, Hopf, HC (Hrsg) Topo­graphische Diagnostik des Gehirns. Verh Dt Ges Neurol 9, Springer Verlag Wien New York, pp 759-761 (1995)

412.  Lindinger G, Benninger F, Baumgartner C, Feucht M, Deecke L: Langzeit-Überwachungssystem für die erweiterte prächirur­gische Epilepsiediagnostik. In: Lang W, Deecke L, Hopf, HC (Hrsg) Topographische Diagnostik des Gehirns. Verh Dt Ges Neurol 9, Springer Verlag Wien New York, pp 785-787 (1995)

413.  Zeitlhofer J, Anderer P, Schimicek P, Aull S, Saletu B, Deecke L: Zur Topographie von EEG-Veränderungen im Schlaf. In: Lang W, Deecke L, Hopf, HC (Hrsg) Topographi­sche Diagnostik des Gehirns. Verh Dt Ges Neurol 9, Sprin­ger Verlag Wien New York, pp 788-790 (1995)

414.  Pirker W, Asenbaum S, Kasper S, Walter H, Angelberger P, Koch G, Pozzera A, Deecke L, Podreka I, Brücke T: ß-CIT SPECT demonstrates blockade of 5HT-uptake sites by citalopram in the human brain in vivo. J Neural Transm [Gen Sect] 100: 247-256 (1995)

415.  Wiesinger G, Oder W, Kollegger H, Deecke L: Lumbosacral radi­culopathies: Utility and limitations of electrophysiolo­gical assessment. Neurol Psychiat & Brain Res 3: 59-70 (1995).

416.  Kollegger H, Sagmeister T, Deecke L: Neurologische Komplika­tionen bei 95 Patienten mit HIV-Infektion. Eine retro­spektive Analyse anamnestischer und klinischer Daten. Med Klin 87: 449-453 (1992).

417.  Asenbaum S, Zeitlhofer J, Saletu B, Frey R, Brücke T, Podreka I, Deecke L: Technetium-99m-HMPAO SPECT imaging of cere­bral blood flow during REM sleep in narcoleptics. J Nucl Med 36:1150-1156 (1995)

418.  Baumgartner C, Deecke L, Stroink G, Williamson SJ (Eds) Bio­magnetism: Fundamental research and clinical applicati­ons. Studies in applied electromagnetics and mechanics Vol. 7, Amsterdam, Elsevier/IOS Press, XXVII+846 pp (1995)

419.  Baumgartner C, Doppelbauer A, Lischka A, Graf M, Lindinger G, Olbrich A, Novak K, Aull S, Serles W, Lurger S, Deecke L: Benign focal epilepsy of childhood - A combined neuro­electric and neuromagnetic study. In: Baumgartner C, Deecke L, Stroink G, Williamson SJ (Eds) Biomagnetism: Fundamental research and clinical applications. Studies in applied electromagnetics and mechanics Vol. 7, Amsterdam, Elsevier/IOS Press, pp 39-42 (1995)

420.  Beisteiner R, Menze A, Erdler M, Hutler D, Deecke L: Objec­tive testing of harmonic processing capabilities by MEG. In: Baumgartner C, Deecke L, Stroink G, Williamson SJ (Eds) Biomagnetism: Fundamental research and clinical ap­plications. Studies in applied electromagnetics and me­chanics Vol. 7, Amsterdam, Elsevier/IOS Press, pp 282-285 (1995)

421.  Deecke L, Lang W, Beisteiner R, Uhl F, Lindinger G, Cui RQ: Experiments in movement using DC-EEG, MEG, SPECT and FMRI. In: T Yuasa, JW Prichard, S Ogawa (eds) Current progress in functional brain mapping - Science and applications. Nishimura/Smith-Gordon. pp 57-64(1998)

422.  Asenbaum S, Brücke T, Pirker W, Podreka I, Angelberger P, Wenger S, Wöber C, Müller C, Deecke L: Imaging of dopa­mine transporters with Iodine-123-b-CIT and SPECT in Parkin­son´s disease. J Nucl Med 38: 1-6 (1997)

423.  Breitenseher M, Uhl F, Prayer-Wimberger D, Deecke L, Trattnig S, Kramer J: Morphological dissociation between visual pathways and cortex: MRI of visually-deprived patients with congenital peripheral blindness. Neuroradiology 40: 424-427 (1998)

424.  Lalouschek W, Lang W, Deecke L: Distinguishing between ran­domness and regularity - Evolutionary epistemiology and neurophysiology. Evolution & Cognition 1: 86-94 (1995)

425.  Uhl F, Kornhuber AW, Wartberger P, Lindinger G, Lang W, Deecke L: Supplementary motor area in spatial coordination of bilateral movements: a new aspect to 'the SMA debate'? Electroenceph clin Neurophysiol 101: 469-477 (1996)

426.  Deecke L: Planning, preparation, execution, and imagery of volitional action, (Introduction/Editorial) in: Deecke L, Lang W, Berthoz A (Eds) Mental representations of motor acts. (Special Issue) Cogn Brain Res 3 (2): 59-64 (1996)

427.  Beisteiner R, Erdler M, Teichtmeister C, Moser E, Deecke L: Evaluating conventional FMRI with respect to non-invasive localization of neuronal activity. Int J Imaging Syst Technol 6: 225-229 (1995)

428.  Wiest G, Mueller C, Wessely P, Steinhoff N, Trattnig S, Deecke L,: Oculomotor abnormalities in dyssynergia cere­bellaris myoclonica. Act Otolaryngol (Stockh) Suppl 520: 392-394 (1995)

429.  Lalouschek W, Schnider P, Aull S, Uhl F, Zeiler K, Deecke L, Lesch OK: (Cocaine abuse - with special reference to cerebrovascular complications. Wien Klin Wochenschr 107(17): 616-621 (1995)

430.  Marsden CD, Deecke L, Freund H-J, Hallett M, Passingham RE, Shibasaki H, Tanji J, Wiesendanger M: The functions of the supplementary motor area: Summary of a workshop. Advances in Neurology, Vol. 70: Sup­plementary Sensorimotor Area, HO Lüders (Ed) pp 477-487 (1996)

431.  Beisteiner R, Vrba J, Deecke L: Methods and applications of magnetoencephalography. Chapter 10 in: GK von Schulthess, J Hennig (Eds) Functional imaging. Lippincott-Raven pp 409-431 (1998)

432.  Deecke L, Beisteiner R, Lang W: Human voluntary movement physiology as studied by DC-EEG, MEG, SPECT and FMRI. In: Hashimoto I, Okada YC, Ogawa S (Eds) Visualization of information processing in the human brain: Recent advances in MEG and functional MRI. Electroenceph clin Neurophysiol Suppl 47: pp. 295-311 (1996)

433.  Deecke L, Lang W, Berthoz A (Eds) Mental representations of motor acts. Special Issue Cogn Brain Res 3 (2): pp 59-155 (1996)

434.  Deecke L: Langsame Hirnpotentiale bei Parkinsonismus und Hemiparkinsonismus. In: H Gänshirt, P Berlit, G Haack (Hrsg.): Pathophysiologie, Klinik und Therapie des Parkinsonismus Editiones <Roche> Basel p. 195 (1983)

435.  Ebenbichler G, Uhl F, Lang W, Lindinger G, Egkher A, Deecke L: Cortical DC potential shifts accompanying the central processing of visually presented analogue and digital clock time displays. Neuropsychologia 35: 349-357 (1997)

436.  Cui RQ, Huter D, Lang W, Lindinger G, Beisteiner R, Deecke L: Multichannel DC current source density mapping of the Bereitschaftspotential in the supplementary and primary motor area preceding differently loaded movements. Brain Topography 9:83-94 (1996)

437.  Lalouschek W, Aull S, Deecke L, Schnider P, Uhl F, Zeiler K: Hyperhomocyst(e)inämie - ein unabhängiger Risikofaktor des Schlaganfalls. Fortschr Neurol Psychiat 64: 271-277 (1996)

438.  Deecke L (Ed) Abstracts of the Fourth International Congress of Movement Disorders. Movem Disord 11 / Suppl 1, 321 pp Lippincott-Raven 1996

439.  Pirker W, Riedl M, Luger A, Czech T, Rössler K, Asenbaum S, Angelberger P, Kornhuber J, Deecke L, Podreka I, Brücke T: Dopamine D2 receptor imaging in pituitary adenomas using Iodine-123-Epidepride and SPECT. J Nucl Med 37: 1931-1937 (1996)

440.  Pirker W, Asenbaum S, Wenger S, Kornhuber J, Angelberger P, Deecke L, Podreka I, Brücke T: Iodine-123-Epidepride-SPECT: Studies in Parkinson´s disease, multiple system atrophy and Huntington´s disease. J Nucl Med 38: 1711-1717 (1997)

441.  Beisteiner R, Gomiscek G, Erdler M, Teichtmeister C; Moser E, Deecke L: Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie auf klinischen MR-Geräten: Untersuchungen zur Validität. Neues aus der Forschung. ÖGN-Newsletter 1996/2: 12-16

442.  Oder W, Brücke T, Kollegger H, Spatt J, Asenbaum S, Deecke L: Dopamine D2 receptor binding is reduced in Wilson´s disease: correlation of neurological deficits with striatal 123I-Iodobenzamide binding. J Neural Transm 103: 1093-1103 (1996)

443.  Lindinger G, Svasek P, Lang W, Deecke L: PC-supported 64‑channel DC‑EEG amplifier. In: Adlassnig KP, Grabner G, Bengtsson S, Hansen R (Eds) Lecture notes in medical informatics 45. Springer Berlin, pp 1005-1009 (1991)

444.  Lindinger G, Baumgartner C, Burgess R, Lüders H, Deecke L: Topographic analysis of epileptic spikes using spherical splines and spline laplacian (CSD). J Neurol 241: 276-277 (1994)

445.  Beisteiner R, Erdler M, Teichtmeister C, Diemling M, Moser E, Edward V, Deecke L: Magnetoencephalography may help to improve functional MRI brain mapping. Eur J Neurosci 9: 1072-1077 (1997)

446.  Beisteiner R, Erdler M, Edward V, Kaindl T, Golaszewski S, Menze A, Huter D, Deecke L: Localization of activity in the auditory system by means of new brain mapping methods. In: S Nielzén, O Olsson (Eds), Clinical Psychoacoustics - Schizophrenia. Lund University Press pp 63-73(1998)

447.  Asenbaum S, Brücke T, Pirker W, Wenger S, Podreka I, Deecke L: The application of [123I] -CIT and SPECT in the diagnosis of movement disorders. In: PP De Deyn, RA Diercks, A Alavi, BA Pickut (Ed): SPECT in Neurology and Psychiatry, Chapter 23, John Libbey & Co Ltd, pp 187-195 (1997)

448.  Lalouschek W, Aull S, Deecke L, Lesch OM, Schnider P, Zeiler K: Schlaganfälle und intrakranielle Blutungen nach Kokainmißbrauch. Fortschrtte der Medizin 115/7: 35-38 (1997)

449.  Pirker W, Asenbaum S, Wenger S, Kornhuber J, Naumann M, Angelberger P, Deecke L, Podreka I, Brücke T: 123-I-Epidepride-SPECT as a tool in the differential diagnosis of movement disorders. Mov Disord 11 Suppl 1: p110 (1996)

450.  Pirker W, Baumgartner C, Brugger S, Prayer D, Kandlhofer S, , Asenbaum S, Deecke L, Brücke T, Lange KW: Severe akinetic syndrome resulting from a bilateral basal ganglia lesion following bone marrow transplantation. Movement Disorders 14/3: 525-528 (1999)

451. Serles W, Pataraia E, Bacher J, Olbrich A, Aull S, Lehrner J, Leutmezer F, Deecke L, Baumgartner C: Clinical seizure lateralization in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy - differences between patients with unitemporal and bitemporal interictal spikes. Neurology 50: 742-747 (1998)

452. Radbauer C, Hainfellner A, Gaudernak T, Deecke L, Budka H: Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit bei einem Dura-Transplantat-Empfänger: Erstbeobachtung in Österreich. Wien Klin Wochenschr 110: 496-500 (1998)

453. Lehrner J, Baumgartner C, Serles W, Olbrich A, Pataraia E, Bacher J, Aull S, Deecke L: Olfactory prodromal symptoms and unilateral olfactory dysfunction are associated in patients with right mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia 38: 1042-1044 (1997)

454. Baumgartner C, Czech T, Serles W, Pataraia E, Bacher J, Aull S, Olbrich A, Lurger S, Novak K, Reinprecht A, Deecke L: Epileptische Syndrome - Klinik, Diagnostik und Erfolgs-chancen der Epilepsiechirurgie. Der Mediziner 4: 17-24 (1997)

455. Deecke L: Neurophysiological fine methods for the investigation of the motor areas of cerebral cortex. In: I Szirmay (Ed) Teach Neurology. Budapest Kaloprint Nyomda, Kalocsa pp 57-65 (1997)

456.  Lang W, Deecke L: Psychophysiologie der Motorik. Chapter 5 in: F Rösler (Ed) Volume 5 Ergebnisse und Anwendungen der Psychophysiologie. Enzyklopädie der Psychologie, Serie I Biologische Psychologie. Hogrefe Göttingen, pp 225-283 (1998)

457.  Deecke L, Lang W: Readiness for action. In: KH Pribram (Ed) Brain and Values: Is a Biological Science of Values Possible? Proceedings of the Fifth Appalachian Conference on Behavioral Neurodynamics. Lawrence Erlbaum Ass., Mahwah New Jersey London, pp 381-403 (1998)

458.  Cui RQ, Huter D, Lang W, Deecke L: Neuroimage of voluntary movement: Topography of the Bereitschaftspotential, a 64-channel DC current source density study. NeuroImage 9: 124-134 (1999)

459.  Wöber C, Wöber-Bingöl C, Karwautz A, Nimmerrichter A, Walter H, Deecke L: Ataxia of stance in different types of alcohol dependence - a posturographic study. Alcohol & Alcoholism 33: 393-402 (1998)

460.  Oder B, Oder W, Lang W, Marschnigg E, Deecke L: Hypoplasia, stenosis and other alterations of the vertebral artery: Does impaired blood rheology manifest a hidden disease? Acta Neurol Scand 97: 398-403 (1998)

461.  Alesch F, Deecke L: Chirurgische Behandlungsmethoden bei Morbus Parkinson. Neuropsychiatrie 9 Suppl 1: S42-S44 (1995)

462.  Endl W, Walla P, Lindinger G, Lalouschek W, Barth FG, Deecke L, Lang W: Early cortical activation indicates preparation for retrieval of memory for faces: an event-related potential study. Neurosci Lett 240: 58-60 (1998)

463.  Lalouschek W, Aull S, Serles W, Schnider P, Mannhalter C, Lang W, Deecke L, Zeiler K: Genetic and nongenetic factors influencing plasma homocysteine levels in patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease and in healthy control subjects. J Lab Clin Med 133: 575-582 (1999)

464.  Pataraia E, Lurger S, Serles W, Lindinger G, Aull S, Leutmezer F, Bacher J, Olbrich A, Czech T, Novak K, Deecke L, Baumgartner C: Ictal scalp EEG in unilateral mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia 39: 608-614 (1998)

465.  Wiest G, Deecke L, Trattnig S, Mueller C: Abolished tilt suppression of the vestibulo-ocular reflex caused by a selective uvulo-nodular lesion. Neurology 52: 417-419 (1999)

466.  Deecke L, Lang W, Uhl F, Beisteiner R, Lindinger G, Cui RQ: Movement-related potentials and magnetic fields: new evidence for SMA activation leading MI activation prior to voluntary movement. Chapter 45 in: G Comi, CH Lücking, J Kimura, PM Rossini (eds): Clinical Neurophysiology: From Receptors to Perception. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, Suppl 50 pp 386-401 (1999)

467.  Deecke L: Meningitis - Diagnostik. Österr. Ärztezeitung Jg. 1998, Heft 7: 40-43 (1998)

468.  Deecke L: Meningitis - Therapie. Österr. Ärztezeitung Jg. 1998, Heft 8: 38-41 (1998)

469.  Lalouschek W, Gerschlager W, Lehrner J, Baumgartner C, Lindinger G, Deecke L, Lang W: Event-related potentials in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy reveal topography specific lateralization in relation to side of the epileptic focus. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol 108: 567-576 (1998)

470.  Deecke L, Beisteiner R: MEG-FMRI in motor function. In: EV Stålberg, AW de Weerd, J Zidar (Eds): Proceed 9th Eur Congr Clin Neurophysiol Ljubljana. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna pp 75-80 (1998)

471.  Deecke L: Clinical applications of magnetoencephalography. In: EV Stålberg, AW de Weerd, J Zidar (Eds): Proceed 9th Eur Congr Clin Neurophysiol Ljubljana. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna pp 491-497 (1998)

472.  Pataraia E, Lindinger G, Deecke L, Baumgartner C: Whole-head MEG in presurgical epilepsy evaluation. In: J Majkowski, K Owczarek, P Zwolinski (Eds): Proceed 3rd Eur Congr Epileptology Warsaw. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna pp 135-139 (1998)

473.  Baumgartner C, Lindinger G, Lurger S, Aull S, Bacher J, Leutmezer F, Olbrich A, Pataraia E, Serles W, Deecke L: Das prolongierte Video-EEG-Monitoring in der Differentialdiagnose von Anfällen und in der prächirurgischen Epilepsiediagnostik. Wr Med Wschr 1(2): 2-8 (1998)

474.  Pirker W, Asenbaum S, Bencsits G, Angelberger P, Deecke L, Podreka I, Brücke T: SPECT imaging of the pre- and postsynaptic side of the dopaminergic system in atypical parkinsonism. Eur J Nucl Med 24/8: 922 (1997)

475.  Lalouschek W, Aull S, Serles W, Schnider P, Mannhalter C, Pabinger-Fasching I, Deecke L, Zeiler K: C677T MTHFR mutation and factor V Leiden mutation in patients with TIA/minor stroke. A case-control study. Thrombosis Res 93: 61-69 (1999).

476.  Wiest G, Wanschitz J, Baumgartner C, Trattnig S, Deecke L, Mueller C: So-called posterior internuclear ophthalmoplegia due to a pontine glioma: A clinicopathological study. J Neurol 246: 412-415 (1999).

477.  Wöber C, Zeitlhofer J, Asenbaum S, Claeys L, Czerny M, Wölfl G, Grubhofer G, Polterauer P, Deecke L: Monitoring of median nerve somatosensory evoked potentials in carotid surgery. J Clin Neurophysiol 15(5): 429-438 (1998)

478.  Deecke L: Neurologische Komplikationen in Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Puerperium. In: III. Update in Gynäkologie. Int Z Ärztl Fortb No 24. Facts & Figures 10: 12-16 (1998)

479.  Gartus A, Erdler M, Mayer D, Edward V, Lanzenberger R, Windischberger C, Deecke L, Beisteiner R: Influence of Preprocessing on Stability of MEG Dipole Solutions. In: G Fischer, FX Roithinger (Eds) 3rd Int. Symp Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging. Innsbruck Austria Biomed Technik 46(Ergänzungsband 2): 97-99 (2001)

480.  Wöber C, Wöber-Bingöl C, Karwautz A, Nimmerrichter A, Deecke L, Lesch OM: Postural control and lifetime alcohol consumption in alcohol-dependent patients. Acta Neurol Scand 99: 48-53 (1999)

481.  Walla P, Endl W, Lindinger G, Lalouschek W, Deecke L, Lang W: Early occipito-parietal activity in a word recognition task: an EEG and MEG study. Clin Neurophysiol 110: 1378-1387 (1999)

482.  Gerschlager W, Alesch F, Cunnington R, Deecke L, Dirnberger G, Endl W, Lindinger G, Lang W: Bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation improves frontal cortex function in Parkinson´s disease. An electrophysiological study of the contingent negative variation. Brain 122: 2365-2373 (1999)

483.  Walla P, Endl W, Lindinger G, Deecke L, Lang W: Implicit memory within a word recognition task: an event-related potential study in human subjects. Neurosci Lett 269: 129-132 (1999)

484.  Baran H, Jellinger K, Deecke L: Kynurenine metabolism in Alzheimer´s disease. J Neural Transm 106: 165-181 (1999)

485.  Auff E, Baumhackl U, Deecke L, Doppelbauer A, Jellinger K, Klingler D, Ott E, Poewe W, Ransmayr G, Riederer P, Soukop W, Scholz H, Volc D: Rolle der Dopamin-Agonisten in der Behandlung der Parkinson-Krankheit. Konsensuspapier der Öster. Parkinson Ges. Neuropsychiat 13: 1-8 (1999)

486.  Cui RQ, Deecke L: High resolution DC-EEG analysis of the Bereitschaftspotential and post movement onset potentials accompanying uni- or bilateral voluntary finger movements. Brain Topography 11: 233-248 (1999)

487.  Cunnington R, Windischberger C, Deecke L, Moser E: The use of single event fMRI and fuzzy clustering analysis to examine haemodynamic response time courses in supplementary motor and primary motor cortical areas. Biomed Technik 44 (Suppl 2): 116-119 (1999)

488.  Jauss M, Krieger D, Hornig C, Schramm J, Busse O for the GASCIS study centers (for Vienna: Lüder Deecke, Karl Zeiler): Surgical and medical management of patients with massive cerebellar infarctions: results of the German-Austrian cerebellar infarction study. J Neurol 244: 257-264 (1999)

489. Gerschlager W, Beisteiner R, Deecke L, Dirnberger G, Endl W, Kollegger H, Lindinger G, Vass K, Lang W: Electrophysiological, neuropsychological, and clinical findings in multiple sclerosis patients receiving interferon ß-1b. A 1-year follow-up. Eur Neurol 44: 205-209(2000)

490.  Endl W, Walla P, Lindinger G, Deecke L, Lang W: Event-related potential correlates of false recognition of faces. Neurosci Lett 265: 115-118 (1999)

491.  Beisteiner R, Erdler M, Mayer D, Gartus A, Edward V, Kaindl T, Golaszewski S, Lindinger G, Deecke L: A marker for differentiation of capabilities for processing of musical harmonies as detected by magnetoencephalography in musicians. Neurosci Lett 277: 37-40 (1999)

492.  Deecke L: Clinical neurophysiology of Parkinson´s disease. Bereitschaftspotential and contingent negative variation. Chapter 26 in: D Calne & S Calne (Eds) Parkinson´s Disease: Advances in Neurology Vol. 86 pp 257-271 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia (2001)

493.  Lehrner JP, Walla P, Laska M, Deecke L: Different forms of human odor memory: a developmental study. Neurosci Lett 272: 17-20 (1999)

494.  Wenger S, Deecke L: α-Liponsäure (Thioctsäure) in der Behandlung der diabetischen Polyneuropathie. Neuropsychiatrie 13/4: 200-203 (1999)

495.  Cui RQ, Deecke L: High resolution DC-EEG of the Bereitschaftspotential preceding anatomically congruent versus spatially congruent bimanual finger movements. Brain Topography 12: 117-127 (1999)

496.  Deecke L: Gehirnwissensfibel. Jahr des Gehirns 1999. Fonds Jahr des Gehirns 1999 Hofzeile 18-20, 1190 Wien 20 pp (1999)

497.  Lalouschek W, Aull S, Serles W, Wolfsberger M, Deecke L, Pabinger-Fasching I, Mannhalter C: The relation between erythrocyte volume and folate levels is influenced by a common mutation in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase(MTHFR) gene (C677T). J Investigative Med 48: 14-20 (2000)

498.  Erdler M, Windischberger C, Lanzenberger R, Edward V, Gartus A, Deecke L, Beisteiner R: Dissociation of supplementary motor area and primary motor cortex in human subjects when comparing index and little finger movements with functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neurosci Lett 313: 5-8 (2001)

499.  Dirnberger G, Lalouschek W, Lindinger G, Egkher A, Deecke L, Lang W: Reduced activation of midline frontal areas in human elderly subjects: a contingent negative variation study. Neuroscience Lett 280: 61-64 (2000)

500.  Fuchs A, Deecke L, Kelso JAS: Phase transitions in the human brain revealed by large SQuID arrays: response to Daffertshofer, Peper and Beek. Physics Letters A, 266:303-308 (2000)

501.  Baumgartner C, Pataraia E, Lindinger G, Deecke L: Magnetoencephalography in focal epilepsy. Epilepsia 41 Suppl 3: 39-47 (2000)

502.  Erdler M, Beisteiner R, Mayer D, Kaindl T, Edward V, Windischberger C, Lindinger G, Deecke L: Supplementary motor area activation preceding voluntary movement is detectable with a whole scalp magnetoencephalogra­phy system. NeuroImage 11: 697-707 (2000)

503.  Baumgartner C, Pataraia E, Lindinger G, Deecke L: Neuromagnetic recordings in temporal lobe epilepsy. J Clin Neurophysiol 17: 177-189 (2000)

504.  Tribl GG, Wöber C, Schönborn V, Brücke T, Deecke L, Panzer S: Amantadine in Parkinson´s disease: lymphocyte subsets and IL-2 secreting T cell precursor frequencies. Exp Gerontol 36: 1761-1771 (2001)

505.  Walla P, Endl W, Lindinger G, Deecke L, Lang W: False recognition in a verbal memory task: an event-related potential study. Cog Brain Res 9: 41-44 (2000)

506.  Cui RQ, Huter D, Egkher A, Lang W, Lindinger G, Deecke L: High resolution DC EEG mapping of the Bereitschaftspotential preceding simple or complex bimanual sequential finger movement. Exp Brain Res 134: 49-57 (2000)

507.  Cui RQ, Egkher A, Huter D, Lang W, Lindinger G, Deecke L: High resolution spatiotemporal analysis of the contingent negative variation in simple or complex motor tasks and a non-motor task. Clin Neurophysiol. 111: 1847-1859 (2000)

508.  Mayville JM, Fuchs A, Ding M, Cheyne D, Deecke L, Kelso JAS: Event-related changes in neuromagnetic activity associated with syncopation and synchronization timing tasks. Hum Brain Mapping 14: 65-80 (2001).

509.  Lehrner J, Deecke L: Die Wiener Olfaktorische Testbatterie (WOTB). Ein neues Verfahren zur Überprüfung des menschlichen Geruchssinns. Aktuelle Neurol 27: 170-177 (2000)

510.  Beisteiner R, Windischberger C, Lanzenberger R, Edward V, Cunnington R, Erdler M, Gartus A, Streibl B, Moser E, Deecke L: Finger somatotopy in human motor cortex. NeuroImage 13: 1016-1026 (2001)

511.  Deecke L, Beisteiner R, Kaindl T, Erdler M: Supplementary and cingulate motor areas and primary motor cortex in the MEG: Job sharing in preparation, intention and execution of voluntary actions. In: T Yoshimoto, M Kotani, S Kuriki, H Karibe, N Nakasato (eds): Recent Advances in Biomagnetism. Tohoku Univ Press, Sendai pp 385-388 (1999)

512.  Erdler M, Beisteiner R, Kaindl T, Edward V, Windischberger C, Deecke L: Homuncular mapping of the human motor cortex hand area with a whole scalp MEG system. In: T Yoshimoto, M Kotani, S Kuriki, H Karibe, N Nakasato (eds): Recent Advances in Biomagnetism. Tohoku Univ Press, Sendai pp 409-411 (1999)

513.  Lanzenberger R, Gartus A, Uhl F, Windischberger C, Streibl B, Erdler M, Moser E, Deecke L, Beisteiner R: Functional deactivation revealed with fMRI in blind and sighted subjects. Biomed Technik 46 (Ergänzungsband 2): 176-181 (2001)

514.  Walla P, Hufnagl B, Lindinger G, Imhof H, Deecke L, Lang W: Left temporal and temporoparietal brain activity depends on depth of word encoding: A magnetoencephalographic study in healthy young subjects. NeuroImage 13: 402-409 (2001)

515.  Beisteiner R, Lanzenberger R, Novak K, Edward V, Windischberger C, Erdler M, Cunnington R, Gartus A, Streibl B, Moser E, Czech T, Deecke L: Improvement of presurgical patient evaluation by generation of functional magnetic resonance risk maps. Neurosci Lett 290: 13-16 (2000)

516.  Deecke L: The Bereitschaftspotential as an electrophysiological tool for studying the cortical organization of human voluntary action. Chapter 27 in: Z Ambler, S Nevsimalova, Z Kadanka, PM Rossini (Eds): Clinical Neurophysiology at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Clin Neurophysiol 53 (Suppl.) 199-206 (2000)

517.  Walla P, Hufnagl B, Lindinger G, Deecke L, Imhof H, Lang W: False recognition depends on depth of prior word processing: A magnetoencephalographic (MEG) study. Cogn Brain Res 11: 249-257 (2001)

518.  Pirker W, Asenbaum S, Bencsits G, Prayer D, Gerschlager W, Deecke L, Brücke T: [123I]β-CIT SPECT in multiple system atrophy, progressive supranuclear palsy, and corticobasal degeneration. Movement Disorders 15: 1158-1167 (2000)

519.  Lehrner J, Eckersberger C, Walla P, Pötsch G, Deecke L: Ambient odor of orange in a dental office reduces anxiety and improves mood in female patients. Physiol & Behav 71: 83-86 (2000)

520.  Pataraia E, Feucht M, Lindinger G, Deecke L, Baumgartner C: Combined EEG and MEG study of rolandic discharges in benign childhood epilepsy. In: J Nenonen, RJ Ilmoniemi, T Katila (Eds): Proceedings of the 12th Int Conf on Biomagnetism Biomag 2000, Helsinki Univ Technol Espoo Finland pp 447-450 (2001)

521.  Pataraia E, Lindinger G, Deecke L, Baumgartner C: MEG evaluation in temporal lobe epilepsy. In: J Nenonen, RJ Ilmoniemi, T Katila (Eds): Proceedings of the 12th Int Conf on Biomagnetism Biomag 2000, Helsinki Univ Technol Espoo Finland pp 402-406 (2001)

522.  Wiest G, Muller C, Gluck J, Deecke L, Baumgartner C: Idiothetic orientation and path integration in unilateral hippocampal atrophy and sclerosis. J Vestib Res 10: 301-309 (2000)

523.  Amorim M-A, Lang W, Lindinger G, Mayer D, Deecke L, Berthoz A: Modulation of spatial orientation processing by mental imagery instructions: A MEG study of representational momentum. J Cogn Neurosci 124: 569-582 (2000)

524.  Gerschlager W, Bloem BR, Alesch F, Lang W, Deecke L, Cunnington R: Bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation does not improve prolonged P300 latencies in Parkinson´s disease. J Neurol 248: 285-289 (2001)

525.  Deecke L, Kornhuber HH: Human freedom, reasoned will, and the brain: The Bereitschaftspotential story. In: M Jahanshahi, M Hallett (Eds) The Bereitschaftspotential, movement-related cortical potentials. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers New York, pp 283-320 (2003) ISBN 0-306-47407-7

526.  Jantzen KJ, Fuchs A, Mayville JM, Deecke L, Kelso JAS: Neuromagnetic activity in alpha and beta bands reflect learning-induced increases in coordinative activity. Clin Neurophysiol 112: 1685-1697 (2001).

527.  Wiest G, Amorim MA, Mayer D, Schick S, Deecke L, Lang W: Cortical responses to object-motion and visually-induced self-motion perrception. Cogn Brain Res 12: 167-170 (2001)

528.  Walla P, Hufnagl B, Lindinger G, Deecke L, Lang W: Physiological evidence of gender differences in word recognition: a magnetoencephalographic (MEG) study. Cogn Brain Res 12: 49-54 (2001)

529.  Fuchs A, Mayville JM, Cheyne D, Weinberg H, Deecke L, Kelso JAS: Spatiotemporal analysis of neuromagnetic events underlying the emergence of coordinative instabilities. NeuroImage 12: 71-84 (2000).

530.  Wenger S, Deecke L: Diabetische Polyneuropathie. Thioctsäure – Heilmittel oder Placebo? Clinicum. CC, 9/01 pp. diabetes 2-4 (2001)

531.  Beisteiner R, Gartus A, Erdler M, Mayer D, Lanzenberger R, Deecke L: Magnetoencephalography indicates finger motor  somatotopy. Eur J Neurosci 19(2): 465-472 (2004)

532.  Cunnington R, Windischberger C, Deecke L, Moser E: The preparation and execution of self-initiated and externally-triggered movement: A study of event-related fMRI. NeuroImage 15: 373-385 (2002)

533.  Pataraia E, Baumgartner C, Lindinger G, Deecke L,: Magnetoencephalography in presurgical epilepsy evaluation. Neurosurg Rev 25: 141-159 (2002)

534.  Wenger-Wiest S, Deecke L: Polyneuropathien. J Neurol Neurochir Psychiatr 3 (2): 18-29 (2002)

535.  Walla P, Hufnagl B, Lehrner J, Mayer D, Lindinger G, Deecke, L, Lang W: Evidence of conscious and subconscious olfactory  information processing during word encoding: a  magnetoencephalographic (MEG) study. Cogn Brain Res 14: 309-316 (2002).

536.  Walla P, Hufnagl B, Lehrner J, Mayer D, Lindinger G, Imhof H,  Deecke L, Lang W: Olfaction and face encoding in humans:  a magnetoencephalographic study. Cogn Brain Res 15: 105-115 (2003).

537.  Walla P, Hufnagl B, Lehrner J, Mayer D, Lindinger G, Imhof H,  Deecke L, Lang W: Olfaction and depth of word processing:  a magnetoencephalographic study. NeuroImage 18: 104-116 (2003).

538.  Almer G, Teismann P, Stevic Z, Halaschek-Wiener J, Deecke L, Kostic V, Przedborski S: Increased levels of the pro-inflammatory prostaglandin PGE2 in CSF from ALS patients. Neurology 58: 1277-1279 (2002)

539.  Walla P, Lehrner J, Nasel C, Baumgartner C, Deecke L, Lang W: Preserved memory traces within diencephalic amnesia. J Neur Transm 110: 537-543 (2003).

540.  Wiest G, Deecke L: Der benigne paroxysmale Lagerungsschwindel. J Neurol Neurochir Psychiat 5/3: 24-29 (2004)

541.  Cunnington R, Windischberger C, Deecke L, Moser E: The preparation and readiness for voluntary movement: a high-field event-related fMRI study of the Bereitschafts-BOLD response. NeuroImage 20: 404-412 (2003)

542.  Gartus A, Erdler M, Mayer D, Edward V, Lanzenberger R, Windischberger C, Deecke L, Beisteiner R: Stability of MEG Dipole Solutions depending on Time Point and Filtering. In: K Friston, RSJ Frackowiak, E Bullmore (Eds) Proc 7th  Ann Meeting Organization Human Brain Mapping HBM2001. Brighton UK NeuroImage, 13(6): S120 (2001).

543.  Püregger E, Walla P, Deecke L, Dal-Bianco P: Magnetoencephalographic-features related to mild cognitive impairment. NeuroImage 20(4): 2235-2244 (2003)

544.  Wiest G, Deecke L: Der akute Vestibularisausfall. J Neurol Neurochir Psychiat 6/1: 28-32 (2005)

545.  Walla P, Mayer D, Deecke L, Lang W: How chemical information processing interferes with face processing: a magnetoencephalographic study. NeuroImage 24(1): 111-117 (2005)

546.  Huckabee ML, Deecke L, Cannito MP, Gould HJ, Mayr W: Cortical control mechanisms in volitional swallowing: the Bereitschaftspotential. Brain Topogr. 16(1): 3-17 (2003)

547.  Deecke L: Schwindel aus neurologischer Sicht. Facharzt Neurologie Psychiatrie Heft 4/2003 pp 11-15 (2003)

548.  Deecke L: Alzheimer disease, mild cognitive impairment, and the need for early diagnosis. klinik, Special Issue ‘Early Dementia Diagnosis’ pp 14-19 (2003)

549.  Walla P, Mayer D, Deecke L, Thurner S: The lack of focused anticipation of verbal information in stutterers: a magnetoencephalographic study. NeuroImage 22(3): 1321-1327 (2004)

550.  Walla P, Püregger E, Lehrner J, Mayer D, Deecke L, Dal Bianco P: Depth of word processing in Alzheimer patients and normal controls: a magnetoencephalographic (MEG) study. J Neural Transmiss 112(5): 713-730 (2005)

551.  Saletu M, Esberger-Chowdhury M, Zeitlhofer J, Deecke L: Diagnostik und Therapie des Restless-Legs-Syndroms in der Arztpraxis. Wien Klin Wochenschr 116(15-16): 552-560 (2004)

552.  Staresina B, Bauer H, Deecke L, Walla P (2005) Neurocognitive correlates of incidental verbal memory encoding: a magnetoencephalographic (MEG) study. NeuroImage 25(2): 430-443 (2005).

553.  Staresina B, Bauer H, Deecke L, Walla P (2005) Magnetoencephalographic correlates of different levels in subjective recognition memory. NeuroImage 27(1): 83-94 (2005)

554.  Pataraia E, Lindinger G, Deecke L, Mayer D, Baumgartner C: Combined MEG/EEG analysis of the interictal spike complex in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. NeuroImage 24(3): 607-614 (2005)

555.  Bauer H, Deecke L: Forschungsmethoden der Neuropsychologie In: Lehrner J, Pusswald G, Fertl E, Kryspin-Exner I, Strubreither W (Eds), Klinische Neuropsychologie, Springer Verlag Wien New York, pp 166-196 (2006)

556.  Deecke L: Freies Wollen und Handeln aus dem Urgrund der Seele. In: MF Peschl (Hrsg) Die Rolle der Seele in der Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaft. Auf der Suche nach dem Substrat der Seele. Würzburg. Königshausen & Neumann. pp 63-108 ISBN 3-8260-2909-7 (2005)

557.  Lehrner J, Marwinski G, Lehr S, Johren P, Deecke L: Ambient odor of orange and lavendar reduce anxiety and improve mood in a dental office. Physiol & Behav 86(1-2): 92-95 (2005)

558.  Lehrner J, Willfort A, Mlekusch I, Guttman G, Minar E, Ahmadi R, Lalouschek W, Deecke L, Lang W: Neuropsychological outcome 6 months after unilateral carotid stenting. J Clin & Exp Neuropsychol 27(7): 859-866 (2005)

558b. Romer M, Brondel L, Jiang T, Lehrner J, Deecke L: Evidence for a ’stop’-mechanism for food-intake in man: sensory-specific satiety and unpleasant sensations limit ingested quantity prior to repletion (List of Abstracts from the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the European Chemoreception Research Organisation). Chemical Senses 30, E1–E64. (E27-28, Poster session 62–89.) (2005).

559.  Kornhuber HH, Deecke L: Wille und Gehirn – Integrative Perspektiven. In: HG Petzold, J Sieper (Hrsg) Der Wille, die Neurobiologie und die Psychotherapie. Zwischen Freiheit und Determination. Edition Sirius, Aisthesis-Verlag Bielefeld/Locarno 77-176 (2007)

560.  Lanzenberger R, Windischberger C, Geissler A, Gartus A, Tahamtan N, Uhl F, Moser E, Deecke L, Beisteiner R: Hierarchy of neural processing in Braille reading by the blind. Submitted to Brain (2006)

561.   Romer M, Lehrner J, Van Wymelbeke V, Jiang T, Deecke L, Brondel L: Does modification of olfacto-gustatory stimulation diminish sensory-specific satiety in humans? Physiol & Behav 87(3): 469-477 (2006).

562.  Deecke L: Kopfschmerzen. Aktuelles Praxisrelevantes Wissen. Fortbildungsserie Neurologie Teil 1, Arzt + Patient Ausg. 1/2006 Prometus Verlag pp 16-21 (2006)

563.  Deecke L: Migräne. Aktuelles Praxisrelevantes Wissen. Fortbildungsserie Neurologie Teil 2, Arzt + Patient Ausg. 2/2006 Prometus Verlag pp 26-36 (2006)

564.  Deecke L: Syndrom der rastlosen Beine (Restless-Legs-Syndrom) internist. prax. 46: 339-345 (2006)

565.  Duregger C, Bauer H, Cunnington R, Lindinger G, Deecke L, Lang W, Dirnberger G, Walla P: EEG evidence of gender differences in a motor related CNV study. J Neural Transm 114: 359-366 (2007).

* * * * *

  1. Erdler M, Windischberger C, Cunnington R, Edward V, Streibl B, Gartus A, Moser E, Deecke L, Beisteiner R: Quantification of supplementary motor area activation with movements of different practice levels using functional magnetic resonance imaging at 3T. Biomed Techn 44, Ergänzungsband 2 pp 120 (1999).

  2. Beisteiner R, Lanzenberger R, Novak K, Edward V, Windischberger C, Erdler M, Cunnington R, Gartus A, Streibl B, Moser E, Czech T, Deecke L: Improved presurgical definition of functional high risk areas. NeuroImage 11 No. 5 Part 2 S146 (2000).

  3. Erdler M, Windischberger C, Cunnington R, Lanzenberger R, Edward V, Gartus A, Streibl B, Moser E, Deecke L, Beisteiner R: Execution of comparable movements with different practice levels evokes differences of SMA activation as detected with FMRI at 3T. NeuroImage 11 (5) Part 2: S856 (2000).

  4. Beisteiner R, Windischberger C, Lanzenberger R, Edward V, Cunnington R, Erdler M, Gartus A, Streibl B, Moser E, Deecke L: Highly significant somatotopy of the human motor hand area as investigated with 3T FMRI on 46 subjects. NeuroImage 11 (5) Part 2 S886 (2000).

  5. Streibl B, Uhl F, Windischberger C, Lanzenberger R, Edward V, Erdler M, Cunnington R, Deecke L, Beisteiner R: A device for flexible tactile stimulation inside a NMR-unit. NeuroImage 11 (5) Part 2 S585 (2000).

  6. Weinberg H, Gaetz M, Jantzen K, Cheyne D, Deecke L: A Comparison of MEG and EEG for the Assessment of Traumatic Brain Injury. In: Aine CJ, Stroink G, Wood CC, Okada Y, Swithenby SJ (eds) Biomag 96. Springer Science+Business Media New York, 1079-1082 (2000).

  7. Deecke L: Voluntary action and movement disorders. Biomed Technik 46 (Ergänzungsband 2): 245-248 (2001).

  8. Deecke L: Therapie des idiopathischen Parkinsonsyndroms. Der Medizinier 1-2 pp 43-50 (2002).

  9. Deecke L: Spannungsartiger Kopfschmerz, Medikamenteninduzierte Kopfschmerzen, Cluster-Kopfschmerz, Arteriitis temporalis. Aktuelles Praxisrelevantes Wissen. Fortbildungsserie Neurologie Teil 3, Arzt + Patient Ausg. 3. Prometus-Verlag (2006).

  10. Deecke L: Die Gedanken sind frei – der Wille ist frei. Willensfestigung als psychotherapeutisches Behandlungselement. In: O Wiesmeyr, A Batthyany (Hrsg.): Sinn und Person. Beitr. z. Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse von Viktor E. Frankl. Beltz-Taschenbuch 179, Beltz Verlag Weinheim Basel ISBN 13:978-3-407-22179-7 pp 331-372 (2006).

  11. Walla P, Greiner K, Duregger C, Deecke L, Thurner S: Self-awareness and the subconscious effect of personal pronouns on word encoding: a magnetoencephalography (MEG) study. Neuropsychologia 45/4: 796-809 (2007).

  12. Brondel L, Romer M, Van Wymelbeke V, Walla P, Jiang T, Deecke L, Rigaud D: Sensory-specific satiety with simple foods in humans: no influence of BMI? International journal of obesity, 31(6), 987-995 (2007).

  13. Foki T, Geissler A, Gartus A, Pahs G, Deecke L, Beisteiner R: Cortical lateralization of bilateral symmetric chin movements and clinical relevance in tumor patients – a high field BOLD-FMRI study. Neuroimage 37(1):26-39. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.02.059 (2007).

  14. Deecke L: Freies Wollen und Handeln aus neurophysiologischer Sicht. In: J Kriz, L Deecke: Sinnorientiertes Wollen und Handeln zwischen Hirnphysiologie und kultureller Gestaltungsleistung. Wiener Vorlesungen, HC Ehalt (Hrsg) Bd 127 Picus Verlag Wien ISBN 987-3-85452-527-1 pp 43-94 (2007).

  15. Kornhuber HH, Deecke L: Wille und Gehirn. Edition Sirius, Bielefeld/Locarno, Aisthesis-Verlag, 149 Ss. ISBN 978-3-89528-628-5 (2007).

  16. Windischberger C, Cunnington R, Lamm C, Lanzenberger R, Langenberger H, Deecke L, Bauer H, Moser E: Time-resolved analysis of fMRI signal changes using brain activation movies. J Neurosci Methods. 169(1):222-30. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2007.11.033 (2008).

  17. Deecke L: Ist Geist neurophysiologisch fassbar? In: MF Peschl, A Batthyany (Hrsg): Geist als Ursache? Mentale Verursachung im interdisziplinären Diskurs. Königshausen & Neumann Würzburg pp 121-161 ISBN 978-3-8260-3806-8 (2008).

  18. Kornhuber HH, Deecke L: Über das Gehirn und den Geist des Menschen: Und die Willensfreiheit gibt es doch! Hirnforschungsserie Teil 5: Gehirn und Willensfreiheit. Rotary Magazin 7 Ss. 53-55 (2008).

  19. Deecke L: Was ist Geist aus der Sicht der Hirnforschung? In: K Appel, HP Weber, R Langthaler, S Müller (Hrsg): Naturalisierung des Geistes? Beiträge zur gegenwärtigen Debatte um den Geist. Königshausen & Neumann Würzburg pp 92-134 ISBN 978-3-8260-3811-2 (2008).

  20. Kornhuber HH, Deecke L: Bereitschaftspotential und Willensfreiheit. Schweizer Arch Neurol Psychiat 159 (3): 133 (2008).

  21. Kornhuber HH, Deecke L: Hirntätigkeit und Willensfreiheit. Familiendynamik 34: 58-59 (2009).

  22. Rutschmann A, Schaefer K, Deecke L: High volitional versus low volitional load tasks and the Bereitschaftspotential. Vth Int Anthropol Congr of Aleš Hrdlicka, Prague. Czech Rep Sept 2-5 (2009).

  23. Kornhuber HH, Deecke L: Wille und Gehirn. 2. überarb. Aufl. Edition Sirius, Bielefeld/Basel, Aisthesis-Verlag, 158 Ss. ISBN 978-3-89528-628-5 (2009).

  24. Deecke L: Obituary. Hans Helmut Kornhuber 1928-2009. Neurol Psychiat & Brain Res 16: 75-77 (2009/10).

  25. Walla P, Deecke L: Odours influence visually induced emotion: Behaviour and Neuroimaging. Sensors 10(9): 8185-8197 (2010).

  26. Deecke L: Nachruf auf Hans Helmut Kornhuber 1928-2009. Familiendynamik 36(2): 184 (2010).

  27. Deecke L: Nachruf auf Hans Helmut Kornhuber 1928-2009. Nervenarzt 81:1242-1244 (2010).

  28. Deecke L: Obituary Hans Helmut Kornhuber 1928-2009. J. Neurol. 257:1599-1601 (2010).

  29. Deecke L: Unter Zwang läuft alles schlechter. Der literarische Zaunkönig Nr. 3/2010: 36-45 (2010).

  30. Bauer H, Deecke L: Forschungsmethoden der Neuropsychologie In: Lehrner J, Pusswald G, Fertl E, Strubreither W Kryspin-Exner I, (Eds) Klinische Neuropsychologie, 2. überarb. Aufl. Springer Verlag Wien New York, pp 199-227 (2011).

  31. Deecke L: Neuropsychologie des Nachahmens In: Lehrner J, Pusswald G, Fertl E, Strubreither W, Kryspin-Exner I (Eds) Klinische Neuropsychologie, 2. überarb. Aufl. Springer Verlag Wien New York, pp 115-130 (2011).

  32. Kornhuber HH, Deecke L: ‘Wille und Gehirn‘ translated by Tamio Kamei. 1st Japanese edition 2011 by Sogo Igaku Sha Ltd. Tokyo. ISBN978-4-88378-620-6 (2011).

  33. Walla, P, Duregger C, Deecke L, Dal-Bianco P: Dysfunctional incidental olfaction im mild cognitive impairment (MCI): an electroencephalograph (EEG) study. Brain Sci. 2011, 1, 3-15 (2011).

  34. Kornhuber HH, Deecke L: The will and its brain – an appraisal of reasoned free will. University press of America, Lanham, MD, USA ISBN978-0-7618-5862-1 (2012).

  35. Deecke L: Den Windschädel tragen. Der literarische Zaunkönig Nr. 1/2012: 30-37 (2012).

  36. Deecke L: There are conscious and unconscious agendas in the brain and both are im-portant – our will can be conscious as well as unconscious. Brain Sci 2, 405-420 (2012).

  37. Rutschmann A, Deecke L: Influence of volitional load on the Bereitschaftspotential (readiness potential). J. Neurol. 259 (Suppl. 1) p. 89 No. P 434 doi 10.1007/soo415-012-6524-4 (2012).

  38. Deecke L: Etwas mehr als eine Buchbesprechung - Gedanken über Lyrik, Gedächtnis und Hirnphysiologie. Der literarische Zaunkönig Nr. 3/2013 Ss. 21-25 (2013).

  39. Deecke L: Experiments into readiness for action - 50th Anniversary of the Bereitschaftspotential. World Neurology Vol. 29 No. 3 June pp. 1; 6-11 (2014).

  40. Deecke L: Süß – süßer – am Süßesten – Die Besonderheit des Süßen im Reich der Sinne. In: W Kohl, S Steiger-Moser (Hrsg.) Die Österreichische Zuckerindustrie und ihre Geschichte(n) 1750-2013. Böhlau Verlag Wien, Köln, Weimar 484 Ss. ISBN 978-3-205-79498-1 (2014).

  41. Deecke L: Aktuelle Therapie des Parkinsonsyndroms. Praxisrelevantes Wissen Der Mediziner 1+2 pp 10-26 (2015).

  42. Deecke L: Experimente zum Thema Handlungsbereitschaft – 50 Jahre Bereitschaftspotential. Klin Neurophysiol 46:19-27 (2015).

  43. Deecke L: Aktuelle Therapie des Parkinsonsyndroms - Praxisrelevantes Wissen. Facharzt Neurologie / Psychiatrie. DERMEDIZINER Ausgabe 6 (2015).

  44. Deecke L: Buchbesprechung über das Buch Selbststeuerung von J. Bauer. Nervenarzt 6 747 (2015).

  45. Deecke L: Willensfreiheit. Human and Global Development Research Institute (DRI) Research Paper Series., Vienna (2015).

  46. Deecke L, Soekadar SR: Beyond the point of no return: Last-minute changes in human motor performance. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 10.1073/pnas.1604257113 (2016).

  47. Kornhuber HH, Deecke L: Brain potential changes in voluntary and passive movements in humans: readiness potential and reafferent potentials. Pflugers Arch – Eur J Physiol 468(7):1115-1124 doi:10.1007/s00424-016-1852-3 (2016).

  48. Nann M, Cohen LG, Deecke L, Soekadar SR: To jump or not to jump – The Bereitschaftspotential required to jump into 192-meter abyss. Nature Scientific Reports 9:2243 (2019).